On-site Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight Concrete can be made on-site – at any density. The key to producing lightweight concrete on site is control and consistency. And the best way to accomplish that is by using an in-line mixer.
The K Block advanced In-Line Mixer is a simple and easy way to produce lightweight concrete on site. Simply add mixed mortar to one end of the in-line mixer and lightweight concrete comes out the other. The mixing operation takes place inside the central shaft – and is completed in about 2 seconds.
Typically, mortar is brought to the site using ready-mix trucks. Easy, quick and clean. Once on site, the mortar is poured or pumped into the in-line mixer. And lightweight concrete flows out. With trucks carrying up to 6 m3 or mortar per truck – one truck can made up to 24 m3 of lightweight concrete. And our in-line mixers/ pumps can produce lightweight concrete up to 90 m3 per hour.
Fast, consistent and economical as lightweight concrete typically costs the same or less than normal weight concrete or mortar.
For example, mortar cost about US$60 per m3. And lightweight floor screeds (material only) costs as low as US$40 per m3. And if savings on time, labour and waste are factored in, lightweight concrete provides significant savings to the project and the product provides significant added benefits to the building.
Featured Applications
Geotechnical Applications
These applications traditionally make lightweight concrete on side and use the unique properties of lightweight concrete to fill voids; replace soils under roads/ bridges or on top of services - to stop settlement; or, enable water to flow through an underground area (pervious lightweight concrete).
Please click here to find out how lightweight concrete could help your project.